What's On
Sunday Services
Sunday 9.30 am. Parish Communion (CW).
Open for private prayer on Fridays 10am till 12:00. Also by arrangement with the Parish Office, between 10am till 12:00
Sunday 11.15 am. Holy Communion (CW).
Open for private prayer on Wednesdays 10am till 10:30
Sunday 3.00pm. Sung Evensong, 3rd Sunday in the month.
Christmas Services
St Mary Magdalene - BH256QL
Civic Carol Service. Saturday 7th December at 6.00pm.
Jubilee Singers. Sunday 15th December, 2.00pm. A programme of Christmas music, both sacred and secular. Tickets cost £10 for adults and £5 for children and are available from New Milton Community Centre, or are available on the door. Free refreshments, and a raffle. Proceeds will be split between the Jubilee Singers and Parish funds.
Carols by Candlelight. Sunday 22nd December 6.00pm. Followed by Mulled wine and mince pies.
Christmas Eve at 5.00pm. Crib Service with Carols. Angel and Shepherd costumes available for children to dress up in, but please be in church by 4:45).
Christmas Day 9.30am. Parish Holy Communion. Children can bring a present to unwrap during the service.
St Peter's Ashley - BH255AR
Advent Carol Service. Sunday 1st December 5.00 pm.
St John's Bashley BH255SB
Sunday 22nd December 3.00 pm. An informal Service of Carols and songs by candlelight, led by singers with guitars and organ music. - Followed by mulled wine and mince pies.
Activities & Events
Messy Church on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 3:30pm - 6pm.
Coffee Morning - Church Hall - on the last Thursday of the month. A warm welcome awaits all 10 - 12 noon in St. Mary Magdalene Church Hall. An opportunity to welcome friends from the Parish Church, St. Peter's and St. John's, general public, neighbours and friends. Come and enjoy a lively chat over a cup of coffee/tea and sample Malcolm's delicious sausage rolls and some lovely homemade cakes. There is no charge, but a donation is always appreciated. We look forward to welcoming you. Co-ordinator Doris Stanley 613311.
Monday Afternoon Group 2nd Monday in the month at 2:30pm.
Dementia Support Hampshire & IOW
You are invited to join Dementia Support every Wednesday 1.30pm-3.30pm. A free event for people living with dementia & their family carers.
Arts & Crafts, Reminiscence, Cognitive Stimulation Games, Quizzes, Conversation, Information and Signposting. No need to book, just turn up and join in! (St Mary Magdalene Church Hall BH256QL)
Dementia Support Hampshire & IOW is a small independent charity that provides free peer support, information, and signposting for people living with dementia and their family carers. Further Information:
Website: https://www.mydementiasupport.org
Email: support@mydementiasupport.org
Helpline: 0344 324 6589
Dates for your Diary
Christmas Coffee Morning
Thursday 19th December, 10.00 To 12.00 St._Mary Magdalene Church Hall
Fundraising - help us save or churches. We Need Your Help Our target is £250,000. Click here